Spiritual Neuropsychiatry

Life is hard and we often suffer in it. Suffering can be defined as unpleasant effort, hardship, meaninglessness, sadness, frustration, helplessness, poverty, pain, loneliness and difficulty. We see ourselves as victims of circumstances, society, parents, children, spouses, relatives, neighbours, natural forces, etc. We often do not understand who we really are, what we are striving for and where we are going. And why all this?

This book is about consciousness and energy, two dimensions that pass into each other in a cosmic process of creation and disappearance. We will set out a theoretical model of creation with a purpose and describe techniques that can serve us in manifesting what we want. We will also refresh our understanding of the meaning and purpose of the sending of Jesus Christ with new interpretations of salvation and its role in improving the quality of our lives.



Mr. sci. dr. Maja Roje Novak  is a medical doctor, specialist in neurology and an innovator with a European patent in pharmacology. She works in the field of Integrative Medicine and Integral Theory, integrating different world views in a synergistic way to improve health and quality of life in the field of the nervous system. He lives and works in Zagreb.


1. In lieu of a foreword
2. Introduction
3. Who am I, what is the world?
4. Anatomy of the material reality of the visible world
5. Anatomy of the material reality of the invisible world
6. What does it mean that everything is energy?
7. Consciousness and energy
8. Synchronicity and the principle of similarity
9. Situational awareness and defence mechanisms
10. Concrete mental techniques of desired manifestation or creation by intention
11. The Bible and the Law of Attraction
12. The Bible and quantum reality
13. Quantum prayer
14. The interesting influence of prayer on synchronicity
15. The Golden Key Technique
16. Biblical essential oils
17. Integral Creation with Purpose Protocol
18. Ten Bible Verses, Prayers and Bible Oils
Verse, Interpretation and Prayer 1
Verse, Interpretation and Prayer 2
Verse, interpretation and prayer 3
Verse, interpretation and prayer 4
Verse, interpretation and prayer 5
Verse, interpretation and prayer 6
Verse, interpretation and prayer 7
Verse, interpretation and prayer 8
Verse, interpretation and prayer 9
Verse, interpretation and prayer 10
19. Concluding words by the author

Detoxification and a holistic approach to drug use and addiction

Drug dependence treatment and detoxification programme

Most people want to avoid pain and discomfort and like to feel comfortable, so whenever they can they will engage in activities that will provide and ensure that comfort.

People who are under pressure and stress develop various psychosocial functioning problems, from which they sometimes do not know how to cope with their own available self-help strategies, so they take narcotics or other means to reduce negative feelings such as anxiety or to improve their mood when they are tired or depressed. At the beginning, anti-addictive drugs help to reduce feelings of loneliness, anxiety, depression, helplessness and worthlessness, but only for a short time. This short-lived feeling of comfort soon connects the person with the medicine/medication and they feel the urge to take it again. Prolonged use of such remedies will lead to a reduction in social skills and learning opportunities and an increase in overall stress levels. In addition, high levels of stress limit the ability to remember, make decisions and direct one's attention to quickly overcome unpleasant feelings, thus reducing the range of possible (alternative) ways of solving problems in the future. A vicious circle is created which is difficult to break - an addiction is created.

The therapeutic process is based on a biological, psychological and social model and includes:

  • Motivational interviewing - the first step in treatment, assessment of the patient's status and level of motivation.
  • Detailed psychiatric, neurological and somatic examination;
  • Therapeutic plan and goals of current treatment - to be developed and agreed individually;
  • Pharmacotherapy - detoxification and psychopharmacotherapy agreed; mainly addressing physical complications as well as optimal treatment of psychiatric comorbid conditions such as depression, anxiety, insomnia, acute and chronic stress disorder;
  • Psychoeducation - individual work, including the development of educational topics
  • Psychotherapy - systemic and DBT orientation;
  • Family therapy - close collaboration with families as an important link in treatment
  • Spiritual therapy (meditation, invocation, visualisation, affirmation, intention, connection to the Higher Self)
  • health and well-being
  • Exemplary natural therapy according to the "Stop Addiction Now" programme.
  • Healthy food for the regeneration of neurotransmitter potentials and the use of nutritional supplements

After the programme, social therapy can be arranged.

The programme is individually tailored and suitable for addictions to psychostimulants (cocaine, amphetamines, etc.), party drugs, tranquillisers (benzodiazepines, barbiturates) as well as for rapid detoxification from opiates (painkillers).

The multidisciplinary team at your disposal has many years of experience in dealing with the most complex cases.

Transpersonal psychology and spiritual neuropsychiatry

Transpersonal psychology is a special "school" of psychology that combines the spiritual and transcendent aspects of human experience with the framework of modern psychology. It can also be defined as "spiritual psychology". Transpersonal is defined as "experiences in which the sense of identity or self extends beyond the (trans)individual or personal to encompass broader aspects of humanity, life, the psyche or the cosmos". It is also defined as "a development that transcends ordinary, personal or individual levels".

Issues addressed by transpersonal psychology include knowledge of the spiritual plane of existence, spiritual self-development, the self beyond the ego, mystical experiences, spiritual practices and other extended life experiences. Spiritual neuropsychiatry uses the knowledge of transpersonal psychology to alleviate the suffering of people with health problems in the context of making sense of the situation they are in and addressing a higher intelligence (spiritual level) that can help to resolve illnesses and problems. Spiritual communities can also be gathering places for people to develop trust and solidarity with each other on the basis of the same or similar beliefs and to build a strong identity, which is a psychological anti-stress agent, hence the term 'anxiolytic spirituality'.

Spiritual psychiatry considers that the development of spirituality is also the development of human sociability and empathy, and strongly condemns the phenomenon of bigotry, which is fundamentally based on anger and fear towards others.Bigotry can lead to aggression and brutality towards those who think differently. .

The work of Dr Maja Roja Novak on the Effects of Prayer on Everyday Life:

Read the article: Increased synchronicities after an intensive prayer programme: a case report